Terms & Conditions
General Terms of an Online Store
Welcome to the electronic shop of New Naval Ltd.
This website is the online store (hereinafter Online Store) for the sale of the Company's products under the name "NEW NAVAL COMMERCIAL - TECHNICAL COMPANY LIMITED LIABILITY, EXPENDITURE 99" and the distinctive title "NEW NAVAL LTD" Tax Office Koropiou and with Business Registry number 121624107000, based in Greece, in Lavrio, Attica, at the 2nd km of Lavriou-Souniou Avenue and with a branch office at 44 Sofokleous Street in Piraeus. The e-mail address for the electronic is shop eshop@newnaval.gr and call center +30 210 428 4010, local rates applied. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GOS) are intended to be clear, concise and understandable, in accordance with the principle of good faith and the provisions governing the validity of legal acts, the conditions governing and regulating the relationship of the COMPANY with the respective visitor (hereinafter User) and / or customer (hereinafter Customer), depending on whether he is limited to visiting only the Online Store or making and ordering and purchasing products, of the Online Store, according to the relevant legislation for Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994-Government Gazette 40B / 17/01/2018), E-Commerce (PD 131/2003-Adaptation to Directive 2000/31 of the European Parliament and of the Council), Data Protection (General EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals against the processing of personal data and on the free circulation of such data), the Protection of Personal Data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006 and 4624 / 2019), the General Commercial Register (Law 4635/2019) as in force.
Each entry, tour and transaction with the Online Store makes you a User and / or Customer of the Online Store. Before browsing your e-shop, please confirm that you have read and fully understood these GOS and that you accept them as any use and / or transaction of yours from now on with the COMPANY through your e-commerce retailer entails full operation. above GOS. If a User does not agree to these terms, he must be held responsible for his visit, use of the Website as well as any transaction or use of the Services of the Online Store.
The COMPANY reserves the right to freely modify or revise the terms and conditions of use and transactions from the Online Store, whenever it deems necessary, and undertakes to inform consumers of any changes through the pages of this Electric. It also reserves the right to establish more specific terms of use, which are considered as a whole with these TAXs, but in the event of a conflict between them, the specific terms of use prevail. Any invalidity of some of these Terms does not invalidate the rest. The non-exercise by the COMPANY of its rights deriving from these Terms does not imply its waiver of these rights, nor does it result in the tacit revocation of a Term. The COMPANY is not responsible for violation of these Terms when it is due to reasons of force majeure, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, extreme weather events, strikes, etc. Contracts through the Online Store are drawn up in Greek.
The COMPANY tries to maintain and ensure the availability of the website and its content. Regardless of these efforts, the availability of this website depends on various factors such as the technical equipment of the users, the number of users trying to connect to this website or the internet, etc. ETAIR is also entitled. website, even if this results in it shutting down.
The COMPANY is still entitled at any time and without notice to change the nature and content of this website, as well as to suspend or suspend its operation temporarily or permanently. The operation of this website may also be interrupted or suspended or obstructed for reasons beyond the control or will of the COMPANY.
The COMPANY makes every effort to ensure the accuracy, completeness, validity and clarity of the information and the general content of the Online Store. However, the COMPANY does not guarantee or be liable to the Users for the security and content of the website. Users of the Online Store accept the inability of the COMPANY to control all its content and the services offered through it. Furthermore, the COMPANY does not guarantee that the use by Users of the Online Store of information, data or materials included in its content does not infringe the rights of third parties.
Information & Products Provided
The COMPANY is committed to the truth, accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the Online Store, regarding the identity and details of both the COMPANY and the main features of the products available through its Online Store. The COMPANY, in the context of good faith, is not responsible or liable for any errors / omissions made in the common experience and cannot guarantee that there will be no errors for any reason when entering and / or updating the features. and / or the price of a product and is entitled to repair them whenever he notices their existence.
Limitation of Liability
The COMPANY complies fully with the provisions of the Civil Code regarding the sale as well as the provisions of Law 2251/1994 for the Protection of the Consumer as amended and in force.
Users who do not trust the COMPANY are invited not to visit or make use of the Online Store or the services offered through it. Users are also required to use antivirus software or other malicious programs and data. The COMPANY is not responsible for any damage or injury or contamination with electronic viruses and / or other malicious programs on the computer or other electronic device used by the User for access to the Online Store, nor is he liable for any damage related to inability to execute, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission or system line drop, etc.
The COMPANY is not responsible for any side effects or damages from the use of ordered products due to incorrect choice of products by the User, careless or incorrect use of the products, or through the fault of the manufacturer, such as fault during manufacturing, incomplete information or instructions accompanying the products. , construction quality, material safety and real defects. The responsibility of the COMPANY in the case of a defective product is limited to the obligation to replace it, provided that the conditions for product return are met.
The COMPANY in the context of its transactions from the Online Store is not responsible and is not liable for any damage or loss resulting from the cancellation of orders, from non-execution or from the delay of their execution, for any reason. It does not guarantee the availability of the products displayed in the Online Store but informs based on the kept data on the availability or not of the interested Customer and undertakes in case of change of these data, to inform the Customers in time about the non-availability. bears no further responsibility. The Online Store provides content (eg information, names, photos, illustrations), products and services available through the Website "as is". The COMPANY does not guarantee that the content of the Online Store and the quality of the services provided through it will meet the needs, requirements and expectations of its Users / Customers. Any direct, incidental, incidental, incidental, indirect or derogatory damages resulting from access to or use of the Online Store shall not be the responsibility of the COMPANY, its executives, employees or associates. Under no circumstances shall the COMPANY be held civil or criminally liable for any damage (positive, special or derogatory, which is indicative and not restrictive, divisive and / or cumulative of loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) that may occur. be a User of the Online Store or a third party for a reason related to the operation or not and / or use of the Online Store and / or inability to provide services and / or products and / or information available from him and / or any third party interventions in products and / or services and / or information available through it as well as for malfunction of the Internet Payment Processing Provider (Bank) or the Host Provider or the ISP or its service provider Access Provider or the user's terminal equipment, incorrect provision of data by the user and generally for any incident that impedes the smooth fulfillment of its contractual obligations. The responsibility of the COMPANY is limited to its obligations under the contract with the consumer and it will make every effort. to respond to them within a reasonable time.
This Online Store, in order to facilitate and serve its Users, may provide, among other things, connection through "links" hyperlinks or advertising banners, with third party websites and websites, for content, personal data protection policy, security policy, the completeness and quality of the services provided or the terms of their use, the COMPANY cannot guarantee or bear similar responsibility. The connection with these websites and websites is the sole responsibility of each User. The above third parties, providers of these websites and websites, bear full (civil and criminal) responsibility for the security, legality and validity of the content of their websites and websites, excluding any liability of the COMPANY as indicative of liability. on copyright or any third party rights. Consequently, Users are required to contact the above third party providers directly for anything arising from the visit or use of their websites and websites. Despite the fact that the Users of the Online Store accept that the COMPANY is neither obliged nor able to control the security and content of both the websites and websites as well as the services of third parties, to which it provides access, however it is entitled at any time to remove, modify or discontinue any third-party service or link to third-party websites and websites if, in its sole discretion, the law or these Terms are threatened or violated.
The COMPANY is not responsible for the poor condition of the delivered products as long as it is not due to improper storage of the products by the COMPANY and if all the precautionary measures that the COMPANY had to take were taken.
The COMPANY does not state in any way that the information contained in the documents and announcements published on this server is appropriate for any purpose. Each such document and related graphic display is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind.
The COMPANY is not responsible or liable for any damages and non-pecuniary damage resulting from the inability to provide support services.
The COMPANY makes every effort to provide high quality services but cannot guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors.
Risk Transfer
In contracts where the COMPANY sends the products to the Customer, the risk of loss or damage of the goods is transferred to the Customer, when he or a third party which is defined by the Customer and is different from the carrier has acquired the physical possession of the goods. However, the risk is transferred to the Customer if he delivers it to the carrier, if the carrier has been ordered by the Customer to transport the goods and that option was not offered by the COMPANY, subject to the Customer's rights to the carrier.
User Responsibility
Each User is free to use the Online Store solely for legal purposes and in a way that does not prevent its use by third parties, and the User is obliged to use it in accordance with the law, good morals and the present GOX and not to proceed. in acts or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to it (website) or affect or jeopardize the provision of services through it. The User is solely responsible for the content of the transactions. The COMPANY does not exercise any kind of correction or intervention in the data transferred by the User. The User must fill in the following fields correctly and accurately: name, address, message, etc. in the online contact forms. The use of the Online Store is subject to Greek, European and International laws and the User agrees not to use the Online Store in order to violate these laws.
In the context of the above, the User agrees and undertakes not to use the Online Store for:
1. Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmission in any other way any content that is illegal for any reason, causes illegal infringement and harm to the COMPANY or to any third party or infringes the confidentiality or confidentiality of information of any person,
2. Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmission in other ways of any content that offends users of morals, social values, minority, etc.,
3. Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in any other way any content for which users do not have the right to broadcast in accordance with the law or the applicable contracts (such as internal information, proprietary and confidential information obtained or disclosed as place of work relationships or covered in confidentiality agreements),
4. Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in any other way any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other third party property rights,
5. Sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmission in any other way any material that contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, cause damage, damage or operating equipment any software or computer hardware,
6. Deliberate or unintentional violation of applicable law or regulations,
7. Harassment of third parties in any way,
8. Collecting or storing personal data about other users
9. Sending e-mails or transmitting in other ways or publishing content that is threatening, offensive, annoying, defamatory, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, blasphemous, libelographic, showing empathy or expressing racial, ethnic or other discrimination, which may be cause harm to minors in any way.
In addition, the User agrees that all members, associates, employees, management, shareholders and other partners of the COMPANY are not responsible for anything arising from third party members who use the Online Store. Any use contrary to the above, in addition to any or even civil penalties, results in the termination of the services provided without any notice.
As User / Customer, by accepting these GOS and browsing the Online Store, you declare that you are legally capable of concluding this Agreement, as well as making use of the Online Store under the terms and conditions set forth herein. Also, as a User / Customer of the Online Store, you agree and accept that you are financially responsible for any use of the Store. The Online Store and the services offered through it are aimed exclusively at adults. Minors are prohibited from using or visiting it and from making transactions. The COMPANY does not bear any responsibility for a possible visit to this website and its use by minors, as it cannot check the identity of the incoming Users / Customers.
Any expenses or compensation that our Company may be required to pay due to a violation by a User / Customer of its obligations arising from these GOHs, are borne by the said User / Customer, who is obliged to pay them to the COMPANY immediately and without claiming the latter appeals to the courts.
Users / Customers are obliged to comply with all relevant Greek, European and international laws and regulations, including indicative and not restrictive of copyright laws, personal data protection, competition protection, etc.
To the extent that it is possible to use the Online Store on the wider Internet, this should be done under the terms dictated by the Internet Code of Conduct for Users (Netiquette), and the use of practices contrary to this code is expressly prohibited.
The non-compliance of a User / Customer of the Online Store with the applicable law and / or these Terms, gives the right to the COMPANY to take the necessary measures and to take any necessary action to deal with this behavior. Thus, in such cases, the COMPANY is entitled, for example, to deny access to services provided through the Online Store or to delete, edit or move messages, of course respecting the principle of proportionality.
Intellectual Property Rights.
All content of the Online Store, including brand names, badges, marks, images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, information material, services and products, any form of data, software, unless otherwise stated for specific third party rights, etc. are the intellectual and industrial property of the COMPANY and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions or the intellectual property of third parties for which the COMPANY has received a license for its own exclusive needs and for the operation of the electronic store. Similarly, anything that is transferred, retransmitted or sent through this website constitutes the property of our Company if such a thing is possible and legal.
Intellectual and industrial property is acquired without any further formulation and without the need for a contract or prohibition clause against its infringements.
Any copying, analog / modification is prohibited digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, lease, storage, printing, transfer or creation of work production based on this content or misleading the public about the actual provider of the online store. Reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcing, disseminating or disseminating any other use of the content in any way or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of the COMPANY or any other copyright holder. The names, images, logos and distinctive features listed and described in the online store, the products or services of the COMPANY or third parties, are assets of the COMPANY or third parties respectively, and are protected by Greek, European and international copyright laws. and industrial property. Their use in the online store does not provide any permission or right of use by third parties. Products, brands, trademarks and distinctive features of third parties, which appear on this website, are the intellectual and industrial property of those who are solely responsible for them. In any case, the appearance and display of the above on this website should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of an express or implied license or right to use them.
The information that any users / visitors of this Company's website may submit through it, is considered as non-confidential information and does not constitute an asset of the user / visitor in question. Furthermore, our Company may collect limited and necessary information about its general commercial activities.
Applicable Law / Dispute Resolution
Contracts through the Online Store are governed by European and Greek law, in particular by legislation governing matters relating to e-commerce, distance sales and consumer protection.
Similarly, the Online Store has been created and is controlled by the COMPANY in Attica and the Greek Legislation will guide its use and interpretation. If the User chooses to access the Online Store from another country, he is responsible for following the Laws of that country.
Any dispute that arises from the contractual relationship between the COMPANY and the Customer, responsible for its resolution are the competent Courts of Athens.
For the out-of-court settlement of the dispute, the Customer may address the competent bodies for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, e.g. at the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness (http://www.mindev.gov.gr), Pl. Kaningos, 10181, Athens, tel: 1520, fax: 2103843549), at the Consumer Ombudsman (http: // www.synigoroskatanaloti.gr) 144 Alexandras Ave., 11471, Athens, tel .: 2106460734, fax: 2106460414), to the Committees for Friendly Settlement of Consumer Disputes (Article 11 of Law 25251/1994) located in the local Municipalities of the country , to the Hellenic Financial Mediator (http://www.hobis.gr) for consumer disputes that arise during transactions with banks at the national level, at the Center for Involuntary Dispute Resolution - ADR POINT IKE (https://www.adrpoint.gr/) which deals with consumer disputes by supplier in a wide range of transactions, at the European Institute for Conflict Resolution (E.I.E.S.) which deals with every domestic and cross-border dispute arising from sales contracts or service contracts between a business and a consumer (http://www.europeanresolution.com).
According to Directive 2013/11 / EC, which was incorporated into Greek law with JM 70330/2015, as currently applicable to Regulation 524/2013 on electronic Dispute Resolution (ODR), the possibility is now provided. electronic consumer dispute resolution through the Alternative Dispute Resolution process throughout the European Union. If the Customer has a problem with a purchase made by the Online Store and resides in the EU, he can use the website Out of Court Settlement of Difference for out-of-court settlements.
The Certified Alternative Dispute Resolution Body (EED) certified for this purpose is: European Consumer Center of Greece (ECC GREECE), Alexandras Ave. no. 144, 11 471, Athens, tel: 2106460734, fax: 2106460784, mail: info@eccgreece.gr. The Customer can contact the above body in order to guide him throughout the process of submitting and processing his complaint.
If any part of the contract of sale under these terms proves invalid or inapplicable by a court decision, the rest contract will continue to apply. The COMPANY may enter into an agreement for the assignment of its obligations to an appropriate third party. Otherwise, the Customer will not be entitled to assign or transfer his rights or obligations.
Any delay in the exercise by the parties (COMPANY and consumer) of part or all of the rights arising from these terms does not result in weakening or waiver of that right which may at any time be exercised at a later stage and at its sole discretion.
All notifications must be made in writing (by hand, by e-mail, fax or mail, which will be considered delivered 48 hours after posting).
Code of Ethics of E-Commerce from the page of the National Printing Office: |